Project Context
With over 50 locations across the country and more on the way, Capital One is heavily invested in the hybrid coffee shop/workspace/bank. And although they create positive brand halo and provide a footprint in retail markets, they feel disconnected from the Capital One brand. Our team is responsible for reimagining Capital One Café, creating a 5 year vision to showcase the potential of integrated, brand immersive experiences.
Discovery & Research
We had a vast amount of existing research and feedback from Cafes. First step was knowledge mapping and  synthesizing internal and external research on the Cafes. During this stage, I coordinated retail visits with the team. 
One of our knowledge mapping boards
Retail visits share-out
Strategic Opportunity
Based on our synthesis we created 4 customer mindsets. We focused on mindsets instead of personas in order to anchor to why visitors come in, how they use the space, and to provoke - what do we want them to do? We structed 'How might we...' questions across each mindset and created a series of playmats for use in brainstorming and ideation.
Design Sprint
I planned and lead a series of 3 week sprints. We invited partners, stakeholders, and other designers from across the company to participate and provide feedback. Below are a few screenshots of the boards we used for our sprints.
Customer Journeys
To present the ideas we generated during our sprints we tied our concepts into 4 customer stories, one for each of our mindsets. Our aim was to show not only how the our vision will meet the needs of each mindset but also how the experiences connect across mindsets. Below are select pages from each story, and its respective experience architecture
In order to align all of the disparate teams it was imperative to have in-depth review and alignment. So we create a framework and facilitated a workshop structured like a walk the walls critique. For each story moment we invited participants to document and build on our ideas. Below you can see the framework, and the full board we used to host the workshop.

Framework to collect feedback

Shareout board, 4 stories reviewed two 3hr workshops.

Experience Concepts
Once we had our partners aligned to the overall vision, we further developed the concepts into a pitch deck. Working backwards from the vision, we've created 9 concepts we plan to move forward with. Implementing a  prototyping pipeline our next step in to test, validate, and iterate our concepts. Below are a few selected concepts.
Some of the concepts function horizontally to enable an interconnected experiences in order to build a growing relationship with our visitors.
Thanks for reading!
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